The Motherhood Metamorphosis
They say that when a baby is born, so is a mother. But while you are there to help your baby grow into the person he or she is meant to be, who is there to help you? Many women feel lost and alone when they become mothers, wondering “who AM I now?”
Sometimes it feels like transformation from woman to mother is as radical as a caterpillar’s transformation into a butterfly.
Did you know that inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar literally turns into goop before it rearranges itself into a butterfly? This podcast is about the goop, what soul transformation looks like as you transition from being a woman to a mom.
Your baby’s growth matters. But yours does too. You’re not alone. I’m your host, Brittany Meng.
Welcome to the Motherhood Metamorphosis.
The Motherhood Metamorphosis
Mary's Story: A Birth Story (Part 1)
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Welcome to this special episode of the Motherhood Metamorphosis. This week, I’ll be reading my fictional account of what I think the first Christmas may have looked like, if Mary had written down her birth story for all of us to read.
I wrote this 3 part story in 2017, though it had been in my mind since my youngest son Elijah was born in 2014. His birthday is just 2 days before Christmas and while I was pregnant with him, I just couldn’t help but think about Mary, about what it must have been like for her—as a woman—to give birth to Jesus. What did she feel? How did the birth go? Did she really give birth in a dark, cold barn, surrounded by animal with only Joseph to assist?
This is a work of fiction but it is based on the Biblical accounts in Mathew and Luke, as well as a lot of research I did on ancient middle eastern culture and hospitality practices and really came up with a different narrative than the one that we’re so used to seeing in our modern Christmas culture, where Mary is this pristine, clean, unruffled person dressed in blue and white, with no hint of a belly with her arms crossed over her chest kneeling beside a wooden manger.
So this is quite a different Christmas story than you may have heard before, or that has been portrayed in our culture through paintings, Christmas songs, and nativity scenes. But I hope that this un-sanitized, real, and authentic birth story will inspire you to view not only Mary in a new way, but your own motherhood as well as you move through your own metamorphosis and spiritual journey.
So welcome to Part 1 of Mary’s Story
By Brittany Meng
(If you just can't wait for the next installment, you can read the rest of the story here)
Have a happy holiday, everyone! Regular episodes will resume on January 2, 2023
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