The Motherhood Metamorphosis

Brittany Meng: Transitions (from Unexpected: Learning to love your unpredictable story)

Brittany Meng Season 3

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Are  you going through the unexpected right now, this very moment? 

 I've been  there too: From an unexpected twin  pregnancy;  Autism and ADHD diagnoses for my sons; a devastating  miscarriage; the  loss of my career; dealing with depression and  anxiety; being a  military wife, and so much more. With honesty and  compassion, I  explores themes such as grief, anger, rest, waiting,  community,  patience, supporting others through difficult circumstances,  and loving  others when it is hard. 

 Each chapter contains a  brief reading, scripture  to meditate on, and challenge questions to  ponder, pray over, journal  about, or discuss in a group. My hope and  prayer is that as you are  going through this unexpected season, my  story will encourage you and  provide comfort and support as you bravely  walk this unfamiliar path.

NOTE:  I write about my faith so this book may not speak to you in your  personal journey. However, I strive to be inclusive and encouraging (and  NOT preachy) and women who are not Christians have enjoyed reading it  as well.

This is an excerpt from my audiobook Unexpected: Learning to love your unpredictable story. For this month, anyone who signs up to be a $3 patron on Patreon will received a free Audible download of the whole book. If you become a $5 patron, I will send you a signed hard copy of the book. 

 Thanks for listening! If you’d like to receive an audio version of my book or a hardcopy, please visit


Regular interview episodes will be back Jan 2, 2023! Thanks for supporting this show!

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